Човек потрошил 10.000 евра за да не зјапаат луѓето во него
Човек со голем белег на лицето потроши 10 000 фунти на тетоважи по целото тело. Фотографот и видеограф Хејвуд Тејлор (36) од Њукасл, Англија, е роден со бенка на левиот образ под окото. Како дете, врсниците често прашувале што е проблемот со неговото лице, додека други погрешно го идентификувале со модринка или изгореници.
Човекот потрошил 10.000 фунти на тетоважи за да ги спречи непознатите да зјапаат во бенката на лицето.
На херојот му било кажано дека неговата бенка е „грда“ и треба да ја отстрани, но во својата младост, оваа одлика на изгледот не му пречеше на Тејлор. Како и да е, со текот на годините, момчето развило комплекс поради погледите на другите. Тој развил агорафобија, нарушување во кое едно лице станува вознемирено кога се наоѓа во непозната средина. Со тетоважите тој успеал да се справи со проблемот.
People often mistook his birthmark for a bruise or a burn. NEWCASTLE, UK: THIS MAN spent over ten-thousand-pounds covering himself in tattoos to distract from his facial birthmark, after it left him with crippling anxiety due to strangers constantly staring at it. Photographer and videographer Heywood Taylor (36) from Newcastle, UK, was born with a birthmark on his left cheek, under his eye. As a child, Heywood was often asked what was wrong with his face, with other children mistaking his birthmark for a bruise or a burn. Despite remembering being told on one occasion that his birthmark was ‘ugly’ and that he should get it removed, Heywood doesnt remember feeling any misery as a result of his birthmark in his youth. However, by the time Heywood reached his late teens, he began to struggle with looking different from his peers. In public, Heywood felt paranoid about what people thought of his appearance. Despite not receiving any specific comments from strangers when out, Heywood noticed people staring and soon developed social anxiety and agoraphobia – a disorder in which a person develops anxiety when in unfamiliar situations or surroundings. If Heywood noticed people looking at him in public, he would even break out into cold sweats. With Heywoods mother sadly passing away when he was 25, Heywood suffered from depression. This combined with his anxiety and struggles with alcohol led Heywood to contemplate suicide aged 26. Fortunately, Heywood instead discovered the gym. Getting into shape, his confidence grew and with this, his desire to cover his body in art. Although already having one or two tattoos before this, in his mid-30s Heywood decided to get tattoos on his hands, neck and face and has felt increasingly confident about his appearance ever since. Now he has over 30 tattoos across his body. Although the 36-year-old still receives plenty of stares from strangers, he says that by covering such visible parts of his body in artwork, he has managed to take